Saturday, May 31, 2014

Healthier Deviled Eggs

I LOVE hard boiled eggs as a protein-filled snack--especially with Dijon mustard and sriracha! But today I thought I would make them a little more fancy and make them deviled style (that's grammatically correct, right?!) Did you know that according to the official deviled egg website, the term "deviled" has been around since 1786 and refers to a spicy or heavily seasoned food? You learn something new every day! :)

Traditionally deviled eggs are usually made with a lot of mayo. To lighten these up I used plain Greek yogurt instead-- my favorite mayo sub! As a result these are a guilt-free, protein-packed snack that could also easily be doubled or tripled to make a healthy appetizer for a BBQ or party!

I know some people may be put off by the fact that this recipe uses the yolks, but did you know that egg yolks contain some of the most important vitamins and nutrients in the egg? If you don't eat the yolk you are missing out on most of the vitamins and minerals that eggs have to offer. The myth that egg yolks are bad for you because of their high cholesterol has been debunked; factors such as saturated and trans fat play a much larger role in cardiovascular disease. Like many things, eaten in moderation, egg yolks are good for you and beneficial to your health!

2 hard boiled eggs 
2 tablespoons plain Greek yogurt
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 
1-2 teaspoons Sriracha
Dash of: black pepper, garlic powder & dill

1. Slice eggs in half and remove yolks. 
2. Place the yolks in a small bowl. Add the greek yogurt, Dijon mustard, sriracha and spices. 
3. Mix/mash together until combined. 
4. Place approximately 1 tablespoon of mixture into each egg white. 
5. Top with dill (or paprika) for garnish. 

(This recipe is for one serving, but can easily be doubled or tripled depending on your needs!) 

Enjoy! :) 

155 calories: 15 P, 10 F, 2 C

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

I decided to make a blog tonight at around 9 pm. I say “I decided” like it was a spur of the moment decision, but in reality it was anything but that. I’ve wanted to create my own health and fitness blog since the moment I discovered that such a thing existed. But creating a healthy lifestyle blog, putting my life out there for everyone to see is SCARY. I always told myself—“Wait until you are in shape, or ____ pounds, or size ____”. But tonight, after I created my account with Blogger, I laid in bed for hours thinking of ideas that I could write posts about, recipes that I could make, tips and tricks that I could share and I decided that now, at 1 am, was as good of a time as any to finally start my blog. No, I may not have a perfect body and sure, I occasionally eat more chocolate/ice cream/quest bars than I should, but I DO have advice, inspiration, motivation, recipes, tips, ideas, workouts, and so much more to share with you. My number one hope and dream for this blog is to share my real journey balancing health, fitness, happiness and life with you, in hopes that some of you will be inspired to be healthier or happier as a result.  

I heard this quote recently and it has been in the back of my mind ever since. I have so many ideas, dreams and goals that I want to accomplish and it is time to stop holding back from achieving them. I am the only thing standing in my way and the last thing I want is to live a life of regret. Here's to the beginning of many new beginnings and adventures!